About Cosi
COSI (an acronym for Center of Science and Industry) is a science museum and research center located in Columbus, Ohio. It firstly opened in 1964, COSI was relocated to a 320,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility designed by Japanese architect Arata Isozaki in 1999. COSI features more than 300 interactive exhibits throughout themed exhibition areas.
• Client
- Cosi
• Target Audience
- Companies that is donating to Cosi
- Big sponsors who want to develop marketing strategy by donation
• Components
- Logo, Mobile application, Mailer, Email
• Their current sources of income
This is research of sources of income and shows that the donation from large companies and individual is Cosi's primary source of revenue.

• Problem
I think they are not developing the elements that would be beneficial for Cosi and sponsors. For the big sponsors, Cosi just introduced about sponsor’s name on their contents page. But it looks too formal process and contracts. I believe the donation itself has a lot of potential for the big sponsor.
• Visual solution
Considering that orange is not commonly used to produce a positive image, I felt the need to change the color of the concept. And I choose the blue and red colors which are one of the useful colors for expressing positive and negative meanings.

Designing B2B elements

• Monthly report of sharing donation information
- Showing the current project that is being donated
- Thank you letter
- Detail record about current project
- Explaining recommended projects and other projects that require a donation.
- Upcoming event
- Overall donation report

• Mobile digital publication
- For busy people
Many businesspeople who are interested in donation do not have enough time to check their donation information.
- Quick sharing
If they receive useful information through the app, they can share it quickly with social media.
- Convenient management
This does not require space and does not require much time.

• Poster
- Small circles: Event and class
- Medium circles: Ticket and membership buyer
- Bit circles: Big sponsors

• Coupon design
These are imaginary ticket designs. Cosi is not providing free tickets to big sponsors, and only people who join the membership can take the ticket. So I add additional ticket option for emphasizing integrated design with circles, which can be beneficial for each other. Also, the public would realize the existence of donation.

• Guerilla marketing
In this screen, people can view the process of Cosi’s event. Gray color indicates that donations are needed, and blue means the science education institution is getting enough donations. So this image means donations are needed. Since it will be used inside the building and it is for the people who decide the donation to Cosi, I think it will not be a big problem if the public does not understand it first.